How to treat mastitis

Mastitis is caused by different bacteria. For one part, bacteria can enter through skin wounds along lymph and blood streams. For the other, the milk ducts can be infected at first with the inflammation spreading to the adjacent tissue in a second phase. Plugged ducts contribute to the proliferation of bacteria and precede mastitis in many cases. The transition from plugged ducts to mastitis is flowing. In about 90 % of the cases, mastitis is caused by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. In the remaining cases, streptococcus and other germs cause the infection.

Mastitis is favoured by:

  • Sore nipples
  • Excessive engorgement when milk comes in and inefficient treatment
  • Pain in the breast, breast trauma
  • Fatigue, stress, weak immune system
  • Structural problems caused by breast anomalies, breast surgery, cysts, etc.
  • Insufficient hygiene of hands, breasts or nursing products


The symptoms are the same as with plugged ducts, in addition influenza-like symptoms with headache and aching limbs.

Special attention shall be paid to avoid plugged ducts, sore nipples and stress.


The same measures as with plugged ducts, strict confinement to bed. Increased intake of fluids! If the condition does not ameliorate significantly after 12 to 24 hours, 48 hours at the latest, medication with an antibiotic that is compatible with breastfeeding in adequate dosage and duration will be necessary. Frequent breastfeeding is very important as mastitis typically results in a decrease of milk production.

  • Weaning is not indicated. On the contrary, it can dramatically aggravate the situation!
  • Expressing from the infected breast and discarding the milk is not always sensible either.

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